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Bridget Burns

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Azeena Hamir

Bridget Burns


I consider East Van the heart and soul of Vancouver. I was raised here by my mother. I went to school here, before- and after-school programs here, I started my business here.

East Van is an amazing place with a strong and diverse community, colourful small businesses, parks, playgrounds and so much more. But it’s also homelessness, poverty and ground zero for the opioid epidemic—all issues that don’t seem to be getting any better.

I’m tired of seeing my neighbours suffer. I’m tired of people having to work multiple jobs to pay the rent, debts and student loans, and not being able to find safe, stable and affordable housing. I want to help the BC Greens change the status quo for politics in BC and improve the lives of people in East Van. .

I’m running because this year’s election is the most important of our lifetime and we need Green voices at the table during this critical time.

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