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National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 

Sep 30, 2024

“Today, we reflect on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The BC Greens understand and recognize the moral and legal obligation of the provincial Crown government to reconcile our colonial history, address the intergenerational legacy of forced assimilation, and address the ongoing impacts on Indigenous people and communities of these policies.

“This day, which started as Orange Shirt Day, is now a recognized national and provincial statutory holiday to provide an opportunity for us to pause and reflect on the traumas that the Crown deliberately inflicted on Indigenous people for over a century, and which in many ways continue today.

“The BC Greens have been vocal advocates for our provincial government moving from a policy of denial of Aboriginal rights and title, to recognition. We understand the discomfort that some British Columbians feel about our history, but there is no moral path for the continued denial of Aboriginal rights and title, it is a socially reprehensible and legally fraught position. We cannot escape our history. We must confront it, and we must reconcile it.

“As leaders, the BC Greens embrace the responsibility we have to confront and rebuke ignorance, hatred, and misinformation.

“We believe the survivors of Indian residential and day schools, we recognize the horrific impacts they had on you and your families. We are sorry that our government had such a despicable policy and we remain committed to recognition, reconciliation, and meaningful collaborative partnerships so that we can all move forward in a good way for the mutual benefit of all British Columbians.”


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