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MLA Adam Olsen celebrates milestone in B.C. reconciliation efforts with release of Reconciliation Action Plan

May 8, 2024

VICTORIA, B.C. – Adam Olsen, MLA for Saanich North and the Islands and member of Tsartlip First Nation welcomes the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia’s release of its first Reconciliation Action Plan.

“It’s been a remarkable period serving as an MLA in British Columbia since 2017. I raise my hands to the hereditary and elected chiefs, especially Chief Don Tom, and the leaders represented in the First Nations Leadership Council. 

“This legislative assembly has made some big advances towards reconciliation. It’s an important moment in time. We’re in a place where we need to be open and honest in our discussions, which is key to getting our job done right. The plans we’re making now build on what past leaders left unfinished when it came to reconciliation.

“We now understand that reconciliation is not something to be postponed but to be pursued actively. I commend our speaker and all those contributing genuinely, creating goodwill to support our work.

“This commitment sets the stage for future leaders to keep pushing this work forward, emphasizing its importance not only to this institution but to everyone it represents. I extend my respect to Speaker Raj Chohan and Clerk Kate Ryan Lloyd, and affirm that our endeavors stem from a sincere and positive foundation.”


Media contact
JoJo Beattie
Press Secretary
B.C. Green Caucus
+1 250-882-6187 | jojo.beattie@leg.bc.ca

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