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Furstenau responds to provincial health officer recommendation to expand safer supply

Jul 11, 2024

VICTORIA, B.C. – Sonia Furstenau, leader of the BC Greens and MLA for Cowichan Valley, has issued the following statement in response to Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry’s latest recommendations on expanding safer supply in B.C. to prevent overdoses and save lives:

“These recommendations align with the 2022 all-party Health Committee report, which declared unanimous support for safer supply.

“As Dr. Henry made clear, it’s essential to recognize that many British Columbians who are dying from the unregulated supply do not have a substance use disorder and can’t be protected solely by ‘medicalized approaches.’

“The loss of six lives a day underscores the failure of our current strategy. Ignoring expert advice in favor of sensational headlines and political narratives is dangerously irresponsible.

“Opposition parties seem fixated on a ‘war on drugs’ approach, despite historical evidence of its failure to address underlying issues. Politicking is easy; governing is hard. If we are to have a ‘war’ on anything, it should be on poverty and homelessness, and we should be focused on ensuring that British Columbians have access to healthcare, including mental healthcare. These are the issues that truly matter. The ‘war on drugs’ has never succeeded, it only exacerbates the problem.

“Organized crime currently controls the illicit drug supply in B.C. By refusing to act, this government signals that these illegal operations can continue unchecked. Given B.C.’s port cities and international connections, the province remains a prime target for organized crime.

“Unfortunately, the BC NDP seems more preoccupied with taking a page from John Rustad and Kevin Falcon, who have chosen to politicize this crisis, rather than heed the evidence put forth by Dr. Henry. If we are to see progress, this government must prioritize evidence-based solutions over political maneuvering.

“Immediate regulation of the addictions treatment industry is also essential. It is deeply concerning that this government is unwilling to regulate either the drug supply or the rapidly growing addictions treatment industry, allowing profit-driven motives to continue to drive this ongoing and deadly crisis in B.C.”


Media contact
JoJo Beattie
Press Secretary
B.C. Green Caucus
+1 250-882-6187 | jojo.beattie@leg.bc.ca

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