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Furstenau, Lockwood reflect on legacy of BC Green representation in its Cowichan Valley stronghold

Oct 17, 2024

COWICHAN TERRITORY / DUNCAN B.C. – BC Green Leader Sonia Furstenau and BC Green candidate for Cowichan Valley Cammy Lockwood released the following statements on what has been accomplished with seven years of BC Green representation for Cowichan Valley:

“When you’re a BC Green MLA, you work first and foremost for your community,” Furstenau said. “That means you can work across party lines, across jurisdictions, to get important projects done and the community’s needs met.

“That’s how, in the last seven years, I was able to get large projects that are so needed in the community done: a new high school, the new hospital, the hospice, the new tiny homes Village Project, the funding for the weir, and the youth emergency shelter funding. 

“Our candidate for Cowichan Valley, Cammy Lockwood, is a representative who already puts Cowichan at the centre of everything she does. That’s why I’m so excited to see this Valley, a BC Green stronghold, stay Green on Oct. 19.”

Lockwood described how Furstenau’s community-based approach has been instrumental for her personally, as well as for the province as a whole:

“There was so much that I came to Sonia with as my MLA: needs within my family life, as well as education for my children, and a lot to do with my work as a local farmer. In fact, I was able to provide important input on different policies that Sonia put forward at the community and provincial level. Sonia even helped me meet with two cabinet ministers, driving forward new policy initiatives. This is exactly the type of MLA I will be – one that lifts up voices to create change.

“Much of the work we have done as a community in Cowichan Valley has even ended up being front and centre in the BC Green Party’s platform for this election. Housing solutions, like the tiny homes Village Project , water security solutions such as the Cowichan Watershed Board, programs for mental health and addictions – they were all developed, and trialed in the Cowichan Valley, and are now being exported to the rest of the province.”

Furstenau added, “When you’re voting in this election, you’re voting for a representative. It’s so important to think about what we have accomplished working together in this riding – and how we can only continue this legacy with your next BC Green MLA, Cammy Lockwood.”


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