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Furstenau calls on BC NDP MLAs to forgo fossil fuel lobbying jobs, halt LNG expansion pending audit of government briefings

Jul 2, 2024

Lək̓ʷəŋən Territory / VICTORIA, BC – Sonia Furstenau, leader of the B.C. Greens, is calling on the BC NDP to halt all LNG expansion and for all BC NDP MLAs and MLA candidates to pledge to forgo future lobbying work in the fossil fuel industry, following explosive allegations of lobbying misconduct by a former BC NDP government staffer. 

“The allegations of outsized influence of the fossil fuel industry on government decision-making are deeply disturbing. We are in a climate crisis. Voters deserve to know where their elected representatives end, and the fossil fuel industry begins,” said Fursteanau. 

“This industry has proven time and time again that it is willing to stop at nothing to expand. A recent investigation by the American House Oversight Committee found that Big Oil has been engaged in disinformation campaigns. If we are serious about the climate crisis, we must ensure firm boundaries between this industry and government decision-making. 

“The former staffer heard in these recordings is far from the only former government official to go to work for Big Oil. The industry is stacked with former BC NDP MLAs and staff. I’m calling on all sitting government MLAs and BC NDP candidates to agree to do their part to end the revolving door between the fossil fuel industry and government by agreeing to not work as lobbyists for fossil fuel companies. 

“The most troubling allegations are that fossil fuel industry lobbyists wrote briefing notes that contributed to ministerial decision-making. As such, I am also calling on the government to submit to an independent, scientific audit of its briefing notes on the expansion of the LNG industry,  and to halt all additional LNG expansion pending this review. 

“MLAs are elected to serve the public, not wealthy corporations who are raking in record profits while people bear the brunt of the costs of the climate crisis. It’s obvious from these leaked backroom conversations that the fossil fuel industry has no respect for the independence of government decision-makers and instead sees them simply as a tool to do their bidding. If the BC NDP is still claiming to care about addressing the climate crisis, they need to do the right thing and sever their cozy ties with this industry.” 


Media Contact:
Rippon Madtha (he/him), Communications Manager
Email: rippon.madtha@greenparty.bc.ca
Phone: +1 778-650-0597

“TC Energy executive resigns after video boasting of covert lobbying tactics,” National Post, June 26, 2024
“Inside a former TC Energy exec’s claim he got pro-pipeline messaging ‘stuck on government letterhead,” The Narwhal, June 27, 2024

About the B.C. Green Party:
Established in February 1983, the B.C. Green Party holds the distinction of being North America’s oldest Green Party. Our policies comprehensively address a broad array of public concerns, with a deep commitment to environmental stewardship, economic vitality, and social justice. We advocate for a government that upholds democratic principles and makes evidence-based decisions.

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