VANCOUVER, BC — BC Green Party leader Sonia Furstenau has issued the following statement:
“The BC NDP is out of their own ideas, and has no plan to tackle the root causes of the problems facing British Columbians. Meanwhile, Conservatives offer nothing but a return to BC Liberal-era austerity cuts and privatization, which created the crises we face today. Neither has a practical vision for the future – just outdated approaches that will drag BC backwards.
“I also remain astonished that we are spending so much money and getting so few results. BC has so much going for it, we should be the best place in the world to live. Both John Rustad and David Eby have served in majority governments that have squandered that opportunity. During the minority government we had a glimpse of what we could have instead – a proactive, collaborative legislature that worked hard to get things done.
“The BC Greens have the only plan that puts people first – real solutions for a sustainable future, not recycled ideas from the past that have failed people, again and again.”