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BC Greens secure agreement with BC NDP

Dec 13, 2024

Lək̓ʷəŋən [LEKWUNGEN] TERRITORY / VICTORIA, B.C. – The BC Green Caucus has entered a four-year agreement with the BC New Democratic Government, reviewable annually. This deal secures Green support for confidence and supply in exchange for advancing Green initiatives on healthcare, housing, renter support, homelessness, transit, climate, forestry, tax and legislative reform.

At a time of uncertainty—globally and nationally—this agreement reflects the values of many British Columbians and sets us on a path toward a stable, accountable government that works for everyone.

Both parties agree to work in good faith with no surprises, committing to transparency through open communication and regular consultation. Progress will be reviewed quarterly, with public updates provided, and annual meetings will set priorities and assess the agreement’s renewal. 

Unlike the 2017 CASA this agreement includes strong “agree to disagree” provisions and a one-year renewal clause, allowing the BC Greens to maintain their independence while working with the government. These provisions ensure the Greens can hold the government accountable on both shared commitments and issues outside the agreement.


“I am deeply encouraged by this agreement to work together on the critical issues that matter most to British Columbians. It represents many weeks of hard work to ensure that our government takes meaningful steps to tackle the affordability crisis, improve access to healthcare, and address the urgent climate challenges our province faces. While no agreement is ever perfect, this is a significant step forward. It provides a clear framework for action on the priorities of everyday British Columbians.” – Sonia Furstenau, leader of the BC Green Party and former MLA for Cowichan Valley

“We are glad to have reached an agreement that champions Green initiatives. We’ve witnessed how unchecked inequality and polarization erode trust in government, and this is our chance to rebuild faith in our public institutions by delivering for everyone, especially those British Columbians who’ve been left behind.” – Jeremy Valeriote, MLA for West Vancouver-Sea to Sky

“Our election platform was centered on addressing the root causes of poverty, inequality, and the climate crisis, that’s why we’ve prioritized these initiatives, they reflect our dedication to creating lasting, systemic change. People are frustrated with persistent problems and the lack of real  solutions. BC can and should be a place where everyone lives well, and this agreement shows our dedication to delivering tangible results for all British Columbians.” –  Rob Botterell, MLA for Saanich North and the Islands 

Agreement in Principle


Media contact
JoJo Beattie  
Press Secretary
B.C. Green Caucus
+1 250-882-6187 | jojo.beattie@leg.bc.ca

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