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BC Greens propose comprehensive plan for food security and local agriculture support

Oct 16, 2024

VICTORIA, BC — Facing the dual challenges of food insecurity and climate change, the BC Greens have a plan to make sure British Columbians have access to healthy, local food. This includes scaling up food security programs, strengthening local food networks, and establishing agricultural water reserves to protect the water essential for sustainable farming.

The BC Greens plan to:

  1. Expand food security programs, such as regional community food hubs, and increase funding for the Farmers’ Market Nutrition Coupon Program to ensure more healthy, local food reaches those in need.
  2. Create agricultural water reserves to guarantee a secure water supply for agriculture, safeguarding food production during times of drought or water scarcity.
  3. Increase funding for local food processing, storage, and distribution infrastructure. Develop policies to support public institutions, such as schools and hospitals, in sourcing a minimum percentage of their food locally.
  4. Support Indigenous Food Sovereignty by investing in community-led initiatives that enhance access to traditional foods for Indigenous communities.
  5. Create a universal school food program to ensure every child in British Columbia has access to nutritious food in schools.

Farmers are on the front lines of climate change, and they need our support to build resilient food systems. The importance of a secure water supply for food producers  across the province cannot be overstated. As the impacts of climate change worsen, it is crucial that we act now to support our farmers, protect our vital water resources and strengthen local food systems.


“Food insecurity is a significant and growing issue across our province. In 2023, nearly 22 percent of British Columbians lived in food-insecure households, up from 17 percent in 2022. The Province needs to step in now to ensure food insecurity does not continue to rise as people navigate the high cost of living” – BC Green Party leader Sonia Furstenau

“Farming at the best of times is difficult work, but trying to produce food in the face of climate catastrophe is an immense task that cannot be done alone. Farmers and food producers need our support in so many ways. As a farmer myself, I am proud to stand with Sonia Furstenau and announce food security policies that centres farmers, Indigenous food sovereignty and water security.” – Cammy Lockwood, BC Green candidate for Cowichan Valley

“As a farmer & food security activist of over 30 years, I am so impressed with the BC Green platform on food security. The platform includes supports needed for farmers and provides tangible ways of lowering food costs for everyday people. The universal school food program will revolutionize local food production by giving farmers a stable demand to increase production. Ten out of ten for the BC Greens!” –  Arzeena Hamir, BC Green Party candidate for Courtenay-Comox

Cammy Lockwood, BC Green candidate for Cowichan Valley is hosting an in-person town hall on Friday, Oct. 18 from 6:00-8:00 PM at the Cowichan Community Centre in Duncan.


Media Contact:
+1 250-418-5528

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