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Anniversary of October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel

Oct 7, 2024

VICTORIA, BC — BC Green Party Leader Sonia Furstenau has issued the following statement: 

“On the first anniversary of the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel, we mourn the devastating loss of life in Israel, including Canadian citizens, and we continue to mourn the ongoing losses, and the hostages who have not returned. 

“In the year since, the pain and grief have continued to grow. The conflict has escalated, and continues to devastate lives, causing immense suffering for Israelis and significant loss of life for Palestinians. We are now witnessing this growing into the regional conflict we have all feared.

“As provincial representatives, we are committed to the safety of all British Columbians and stand firmly against hate in all its forms. My priority is ensuring that every British Columbian feels safe and supported.

“Non-violence is a core principle of the BC Greens. Now more than ever, we need a federal government that works tirelessly for peace.”


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